Helping agency owners
get unstuck.

Hi, my name is Erik. I own a B2B branding agency called Focus Lab and an executive coaching business called Built on Purpose. I enjoy writing, speaking, and coaching around the themes of movement and intention. Whether you're trying to start moving, move faster, or move in a better direction, movement and intention are key.

Photo of books on a shelf with a nearby poster that reads Never Stop Learning

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Book Notes

As I read books, I take notes and capture passages that I find helpful, valuable, or challenging. I publish some of them on my site. Here's the most recent set of notes I've published.

This is one of the first books I read in the lead­er­ship or per­son­al growth cat­e­go­ry. It was a great intro to that type of learn­ing for me. For some, the teach­ing-by-para­ble approach may feel cheesy. I don’t mind it, though, so I enjoyed the book. That said, the con­cepts and lessons of this book are very easy and quick to con­sume and under­stand. That is to say, the sto­ry isn’t a neces­si­ty to con­sid­er the ideas. It’s one of the short­est books you’ll find on the top­ic, though. So I think it’s still worth the read even if para­bles aren’t real­ly your thing.

There are three main things you’ll get from this book: con­sid­er­ing and chal­leng­ing assumed con­straints, lear­ing about what the authors call points of pow­er,” and the impor­tance of being proac­tive. Addi­tion­al­ly, the authors talk about how to use these things to take ini­tia­tive when you’re not offi­cial­ly in charge.

This book is an easy rec­om­men­da­tion for me. I believe every­one has some­thing they can either learn or be remind­ed of in this short book. Ken Blanchard’s books are almost always short reads with a focus on a few key con­cepts. I’ve learned a lot from him and think you can too.

Note that I read the 2005 edi­tion of this book. There’s an updat­ed and revised ver­sion I’ll even­tu­al­ly read which may lead to me updat­ing my notes below.

Read the Notes

© 2025 Erik Reagan unless otherwise noted

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