Half Way

This week­end my daugh­ter turns 9 years old. Dang; time flies.

It occurred to me not long ago that if she heads off some­where to col­lege right after high school, then she’ll be leav­ing around the age of 18. Now, I know that’s not an absolute. She may go to school local­ly and live at home. She may not even go to col­lege. But the point of my real­iza­tion is simple:

A new stage of life typ­i­cal­ly begins after high school. And my daugh­ter is half way there.

Half of those years are behind me. Half of them are ahead.

It’s sim­ple real­iza­tions like this that make the deci­sion to not kill myself hus­tling” as an entre­pre­neur absolute­ly obvi­ous. Got­ta make those years with her count for every­thing they can.

Half way there. Half way to go.

Photo of my daughter, Brady

Published on July 14, 2017

© 2025 Erik Reagan unless otherwise noted

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