My A/V Setup for Virtual Speaking

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Ahh, 2020. Many of us were forced to take things vir­tu­al in 2020. That includ­ed many pre­vi­ous­ly in-per­son events. While some in-per­son event orga­niz­ers ful­ly can­celed or post­poned their event, oth­ers took the oppor­tu­ni­ty to try out the vir­tu­al event space. And many speak­ers found them­selves need­ing to fig­ure out” speak­ing vir­tu­al­ly. Inter­est­ing­ly, I found myself feel­ing at home” in a way. The first few speak­ing gigs I had years ago were all vir­tu­al, so it was nice to lean into that already-devel­oped mus­cle. I did, how­ev­er, take some time and mon­ey to upgrade my setup.

One of the most com­mon ques­tions I get when meet­ing some­one via video con­fer­ence is, What kind of cam­era are you using?!” This hasn’t been lim­it­ed to vir­tu­al events, either. I also hear it on con­fer­ence calls often. Because of the fre­quent inter­est, I decid­ed to share a list of the gad­gets in my setup.

First, some quick visu­al aids in the video below.

(Note that in the list below you’ll find Ama­zon affil­i­ate links.)

The Video

Here are the devices that make­up the video you see above.

The Audio

And now, the audio devices in use and men­tioned in the video.

Oth­er Stuff

I have a few oth­er odds and ends that I fig­ured I’d list. I’m not break­ing down what they’re used for just yet. I may come back around and write that up lat­er, though. For now, here are some ran­dom items with­out much context:

Look­ing for a Vir­tu­al Speaker?

Maybe you found your way here because you’re plan­ning a vir­tu­al event. If that’s the case, and you’re still work­ing on the line-up, here are the main top­ics that I focus on:

  • Pro­cess­ing Fail­ure: My favorite talk of all is a keynote that walks peo­ple through 5 key real­i­ties of fail­ure and helps reori­ent them to the pos­i­tive side of the word. This talk is per­fect for busi­ness and entre­pre­neur-ori­ent­ed events.
  • Lead­ing through Sto­ry­telling: There’s a good rea­son sto­ry­telling has been around longer than his­to­ry can show. Lead­ers should know how to tap into sim­ple sto­ry telling tech­niques to make their lead­er­ship and com­mu­ni­ca­tion as impact­ful as pos­si­ble. This talk or work­shop shows them exact­ly how to do that.
  • Tak­ing a Month Away from the Busi­ness: I firm­ly believe that entre­pre­neurs should be able to take 4 straight weeks away from their busi­ness and still see it grow and thrive. This talk or work­shop out­lines exact­ly how any­one busi­ness leader can make this a real­i­ty in their life.

If these top­ics could bring val­ue to your audi­ence and event, I’d love to hear from you.

Tags for this entry: speaking

© 2025 Erik Reagan unless otherwise noted

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