2019 in the Rear View

Some obligatory year-in-review notes

Con­fes­sion: I’m writ­ing this more for me than any­one else. As a result, I’m not spend­ing much time build­ing out the sto­ry of 2019. But I fig­ured a few lists would be a nice way to look back at the twelve months behind. After all, I’m just look­ing in the rear view mir­ror right now, and I’d rather spend more time look­ing out my wind­shield toward 2020, and the decade ahead. I’ll write more on that in January. 😁

With that, here are a few lists of…random things:

9 Goals or Inten­tions for 2019

I Decem­ber of 2018 I made a list of things I want­ed to either accom­plish or spend time on for this year. I knocked out 7 of the 9, which I’m proud of. Here’s the list:

  • ✔️ Read 30 books
  • ✔️ Build more muscle
  • ✔️ Spend less time on my phone
  • ✔️ Try enough new things to fail mul­ti­ple times
  • ✔️ Learn from each failure
  • ✔️ Sharp­en my focus on help­ing people
  • Com­plete my work­shop build­out plans
  • ✔️ Jour­nal an aver­age of 3 times a week 
  • Write for my blog at least twice a month

Books I Read

I track most of my read­ing on Goodreads, so you can see the list over there, or check out the list below.

The book I ben­e­fit­ed from most this year: The Ruth­less Elim­i­na­tion of Hurry.

Some Fun Stuff

  • I gave away about 25 books.
  • I spoke at a con­fer­ence called Geek­end, which is one of the first con­fer­ences I spoke at in 2011.
  • I spoke in-house to Dave Ramsey’s Cre­ative team about storytelling.
  • Speak­ing of Dave Ram­sey, my busi­ness part­ners and I went to Entre­Lead­er­ship Sum­mit in San Diego and it was fantastic!
  • I went on my first cruise. It was the most relaxed I’ve been on any vacation.
  • I played lots of UNO with my kids. (And more to come now that my daugh­ter got UNO FLIP! for Christmas.)
  • I start­ed a Fam­i­ly Report to cap­ture excit­ing things about my imme­di­ate fam­i­ly dur­ing a year. I only thought about this lat­er in the year, so I’m more excit­ed to have a full year cap­tured for 2020. (It most­ly cen­ters around our finan­cial sup­port of orga­ni­za­tions so it won’t be shared here.)
  • I made some mir­rors for our mas­ter bathroom.
  • My fam and my sister’s fam hit Dis­ney World togeth­er. Good times!
  • I intro­duced my son to the say com­mand in Terminal 😆
  • I made a short video about ten­sion.
  • I implied more videos would come, then decid­ed to move my home office to a new room, result­ing in no addi­tion­al videos being shot. 😆 (But they’ll come in the new year.)

Some things ahead in 2020

  • I’ll be com­plet­ing an accent shiplap wall in my mas­ter bed­room. It’s a project I start­ed in Jan­u­ary and put on the back­burn­er for a while. (I should be done with that in a few days actually.)
  • I have a fun work­shop project in mind that I hope to com­plete in the first quar­ter of the year.
  • I plan to start writ­ing my first book. 😳🙂
  • I’ll be fin­ish­ing out my new home office which I’m quite excit­ed about.
  • It will be the most focused year yet for Focus Lab. (How appropriate. 😄)
  • I look for­ward to giv­ing more away (time, books, mon­ey, etc).
  • I’ve got some ambi­tious goals — but will hold off just a bit before writ­ing about them. 

Here’s to 2020! 🎉

Published on December 31, 2019

© 2024 Erik Reagan unless otherwise noted

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