Lead­ing through Sto­ry­telling

Using the art (and science) of storytelling to lead better

There’s a good rea­son sto­ry­telling has been around longer than his­to­ry can show. Lead­ers should know how to tap into sim­ple sto­ry telling tech­niques to make their lead­er­ship and com­mu­ni­ca­tion as impact­ful as pos­si­ble. This talk or work­shop shows them exact­ly how to do that.

The Bottom Line

Have you noticed that some peo­ple just seem to be bet­ter sto­ry­tellers than oth­ers? While it’s true that some peo­ple just have a knack for it, it’s entire­ly pos­si­bly to prac­tice and hone the skill of sto­ry­telling. The abil­i­ty to tell a sto­ry well can be a huge asset to any leader. 

By the end of this keynote, your audi­ence will under­stand not only the val­ue of a sto­ry, but will have the tools to start using them to help com­mu­ni­cate with their teams better.

This ses­sion can work effec­tive­ly as a keynote or as an extend­ed workshop.

We are always excited to have Erik involved with our conference. He consistently gets rave reviews and boosts our attendance.

Will this bring value to your audience? Reach out about booking Lead­ing through Sto­ry­telling

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© 2025 Erik Reagan unless otherwise noted

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