Creating Your Culture

Intentionally creating a place people love to work

Every work­place has a cul­ture whether you real­ize it or not. The best orga­ni­za­tions out there tend to shape and influ­ence the cul­ture on pur­pose. In this keynote, we look at how every­one in an orga­ni­za­tion, from the founders to the newest hires, can help cre­ate and sus­tain a healthy culture.

It’s impor­tant for lead­ers to rec­og­nize that cul­ture is the com­bi­na­tion of what you cre­ate and what you allow. Togeth­er we spend time explor­ing what healthy cul­tures look like, and what great lead­ers cre­ate and allow to build those cultures.

The Bottom Line

Peter Druck­er famous­ly said that Cul­ture eats strat­e­gy for break­fast.” That is to say, cul­ture is much, much more impor­tant that your busi­ness strat­e­gy when it comes to an organization’s abil­i­ty to thrive. This keynote or work­shop is designed to help lead­ers focus in on three key areas where they can move the nee­dle the most in their cul­ture: val­ues, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and trust.

Erik is a creative and engaging storyteller. His passion for helping others and insights on company culture make his presentations inspiring and transformational. I come away feeling energized with ideas of how to take what he’s said and apply it to my own business.

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© 2025 Erik Reagan unless otherwise noted

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