Can Your Business Grow Without You?

Designing a business that doesn’t rely on you to keep going—and growing

Most exec­u­tives and busi­ness own­ers can­not take a month off from work and know that their busi­ness will not only sur­vive, but maybe even thrive. Far too often, as entre­pre­neurs we find our­selves putting out one fire after anoth­er and our focus time rapid­ly deplet­ing. We attend meet­ings, sem­i­nars, and con­fer­ences gain­ing great insights and ideas, yet strug­gle to imple­ment them. We’re stuck in a sys­tem and a rhythm.

This keynote will help get us unstuck. We look at ways to work less in the busi­ness and set aside time to work on the busi­ness by pro­vid­ing prac­ti­cal steps to reduce our role as com­pa­ny fire­fight­ers. It’s time for own­ers to be less teth­ered to the busi­ness. It’s time for own­ers to get away from being a lia­bil­i­ty because they’re so depend­ed on. It’s time for a new way and a new level.

The Bottom Line

This ses­sion is aimed pri­mar­i­ly at own­ers of busi­ness­es. Many own­ers and exec­u­tives have built their busi­ness up to a point where their cus­tomers are con­tin­u­al­ly pleased and impressed with their prod­ucts or ser­vices. But the own­er is attached to the process, the prod­uct, the ser­vice, or the results in a very tan­gi­ble way. They can’t be absent from the busi­ness for more than a week or so, or things start to fall apart.

By the end of this ses­sion, the audi­ence will see a new pos­si­ble future. And they’ll know what to do to get them­selves there.

I loved having Erik as a speaker at Creative South. His perspective and knowledge that he shared with the audience were on par for the kind of information you would want to have your attendees take away. He is well-read, intentional with language, and keeps the audience engaged. He is also super-easy to work with when planning speaking slots, accommodations, etc. I enjoyed his talk very much and would recommend him for any speaking gig.

Will this bring value to your audience? Reach out about booking Can Your Business Grow Without You?

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