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Growth Group

Read through Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager with a small group of people who want to walk through it together and discuss key ideas.

Why Read It in a Group?

There are many benefits of reading a book with a group and not just by yourself. There are three primary benefits to this particular book and group.

  • Learn faster in a group

    In a group set­ting you get to dis­cuss the ideas in the book and how they can look in prac­tice in your life.

  • Discuss the tools

    There are only a few sim­ple tools out­lined in this book. Learn from some who are already using them and what oppor­tu­ni­ties and obsta­cles they experienced.

  • Take ownership of your growth

    This book is about mind­set and tak­ing own­er­ship. By the end of this study, you’ll be bet­ter equipped to own your growth and progress no mat­ter what you do for a living.

Book cover for Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager

Group Structure

As you consider if this is a group you'd like to join, here's a high-level picture of what you can expect if you want to participate in this group.

  • Weekly virtual meetings

    The group will meet once a week virtually via Zoom. You can choose to read a physical book or listen to audio.

  • Discussion questions shared ahead

    Five days before the next session, you'll receive questions based on the week's reading. The group discussion is a key value to our time together.

  • Reminders, just to be safe

    I'll be sending out reminders about the next meeting each week, along with the discussion questions for reference.

The Details

Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager

Ken Blanchard, Susan Fowler, and Laurence Hawkins

Meeting Day & Time
Thursdays, 4–5pm Eastern
Wherever you want from your phone, tablet, or computer.
Your own copy of Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager
The free Zoom app on a phone or computer
About the Book
This is one of the first books I read in the lead­er­ship or per­son­al growth cat­e­go­ry. It was a great intro to that type of learn­ing for me. For some, the teach­ing-by-para­ble approach may feel cheesy. I don’t mind it, though, so I enjoyed the book. That said, the con­cepts and lessons of this book are very easy and quick to con­sume and under­stand. That is to say, the sto­ry isn’t a neces­si­ty to con­sid­er the ideas. It’s one of the short­est books you’ll find on the top­ic, though. So I think it’s still worth the read even if para­bles aren’t real­ly your thing.

There are three main things you’ll get from this book: con­sid­er­ing and chal­leng­ing assumed con­straints, lear­ing about what the authors call ​“points of pow­er,” and the impor­tance of being proac­tive. Addi­tion­al­ly, the authors talk about how to use these things to take ini­tia­tive when you’re not offi­cial­ly in charge.

Whether you own a business, lead a team, or have no leadership responsibilities in an organization at all, this book can be a significant help to you. It's one of the books I recommend most often, and I believe anyone could benefit from this study.
The Schedule
  • Thursday, Oct 29, 4pm–5pm
    Intro – Chapter 2
    32 pages
  • Thursday, Nov 5, 4pm–5pm
    Chapters 3 & 4
    36 pages
  • Thursday, Nov 12, 4pm–5pm
    Chapters 5 & 6
    28 pages
  • Thursday, Nov 19, 4pm–5pm
    Chapters 7 – 9
    51 pages

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Questions you may have

Where can I buy Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager?

I always suggest you start by checking your local small business bookstores. You can also find the book on Amazon and on

What if I can't make the scheduled days or times?

You can use the contact page to reach out if you're interested in another day or time. If I have enough people interested in a new day or time I'll probably create a group that fits into that schedule.

How do I download Zoom?

You can download Zoom from the website. Look for "Zoom Client for Meetings" for the computer version or look for "Zoom Mobile Apps" for iOS or Android.

Do I have to join with video or can I just use audio?

You are welcome to just call in via a phone number provided, or use Zoom with your camera turned off. The conversations are most engaging when we can all see one another, but that's not always possible for every person.

I have a different question.

If you have a question not answered here, just head over to the contact page and reach out in whatever format you prefer. Be sure to mention the Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager Growth Group.

© 2025 Erik Reagan unless otherwise noted

Some of the links on my site are "affiliate links." This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. It's basically peanuts, but every little bit will help as I work on self-publishing my first book.