Has any­one ever told you…”

This page is less of a Fre­quent­ly Asked Ques­tions” and more of a Fre­quent­ly Asked Ques­tion.”

At least once a week — par­tic­u­lar­ly when I’ve let my hair get rel­a­tive­ly long — I’m asked some ver­sion of the same question.

Has any­one ever told you that you look like Jesus?

Some­one in the past sev­en days

I still laugh at the inter­est­ing ways peo­ple bring this up. One old­er gen­tle­man recent­ly start­ed by ask­ing, Are you in films?” I respond­ed in the neg­a­tive not too sure where he was going with the ques­tion. But he quick­ly fol­lowed it up with, You look like some­one who would play Jesus in a film.”

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Head­shot shenani­gans today. Relat­ed: I need a haircut.

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My favorite ver­sion of the ques­tion hap­pened ear­li­er this year. I was in a dri­ve-thru at a fast food joint. A young lady at the win­dow said, Has any­one ever told you that you look like that pic­ture of Jesus?”

This is my favorite ver­sion of the ques­tion because it’s the most accu­rate way to ask it, in my opin­ion. You see — I’m a white dude. And Jesus sim­ply was not a white dude. It’s easy to rec­og­nize that as a Jew­ish man liv­ing in the Mid­dle East he wouldn’t have looked European.

Why do I say all of this? It’s pret­ty simple.

I believe Jesus is who he pro­claimed to be — that he is the son of God, that he died and was res­ur­rect­ed, and that his life was pay­ment for me and you to be with God after our earth­ly death. And if I believe all of that as truth, I want to work hard to acknowl­edge Jesus with as much truth as I can under­stand. Includ­ing what he prob­a­bly looked like.

So, yes. I’ve been told I look like Jesus. No, I don’t agree. But I do appre­ci­ate the con­ver­sa­tions this affords me.

Buddy christ.jpg
Bud­dy Christ” from the movie Dog­ma”

© 2025 Erik Reagan unless otherwise noted

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