“Has anyone ever told you…”
This page is less of a “Frequently Asked Questions” and more of a “Frequently Asked Question.”
At least once a week — particularly when I’ve let my hair get relatively long — I’m asked some version of the same question.
Has anyone ever told you that you look like Jesus?
Someone in the past seven days
I still laugh at the interesting ways people bring this up. One older gentleman recently started by asking, “Are you in films?” I responded in the negative not too sure where he was going with the question. But he quickly followed it up with, “You look like someone who would play Jesus in a film.”
My favorite version of the question happened earlier this year. I was in a drive-thru at a fast food joint. A young lady at the window said, “Has anyone ever told you that you look like that picture of Jesus?”
This is my favorite version of the question because it’s the most accurate way to ask it, in my opinion. You see — I’m a white dude. And Jesus simply was not a white dude. It’s easy to recognize that as a Jewish man living in the Middle East he wouldn’t have looked European.
Why do I say all of this? It’s pretty simple.
I believe Jesus is who he proclaimed to be — that he is the son of God, that he died and was resurrected, and that his life was payment for me and you to be with God after our earthly death. And if I believe all of that as truth, I want to work hard to acknowledge Jesus with as much truth as I can understand. Including what he probably looked like.
So, yes. I’ve been told I look like Jesus. No, I don’t agree. But I do appreciate the conversations this affords me.
© 2025 Erik Reagan unless otherwise noted
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