
Compassion (&) Conviction Growth Group

To be notified about the next Growth Group for Compassion (&) Conviction, send me an email using the link below. If there are specific days and times that are best for your schedule, please let me know. I'll consider all the responses I get as I plan the next group. Thanks!

Want to reach out? You’ve got plen­ty of options.

Photo of mailboxes in the Focus Lab office

For the quick, dig­i­tal approach­es you can find me on Twit­ter occa­sion­al­ly, con­nect on LinkedIn, or send me an email to erik@​erikreagan.​com.

If you pre­fer phone or text, you can reach me at +1 (912) 4211227. I often don’t answer on the first call if I don’t rec­og­nize the num­ber. So just leave me a mes­sage or shoot me a text and I’ll get back to you.

Last­ly, snail mail is still an option — real­ly! You can reach me here:

Erik Reagan
60 Exchange St Ste C3 PMB 289
Rich­mond Hill, Ga 31324 

© 2025 Erik Reagan unless otherwise noted

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