
The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Growth Group

To be notified about the next Growth Group for The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, send me an email using the link below. If there are specific days and times that are best for your schedule, please let me know. I'll consider all the responses I get as I plan the next group. Thanks!

Want to reach out? You’ve got plen­ty of options.

Photo of mailboxes in the Focus Lab office

For the quick, dig­i­tal approach­es you can find me on Twit­ter occa­sion­al­ly, con­nect on LinkedIn, or send me an email to erik@​erikreagan.​com.

If you pre­fer phone or text, you can reach me at +1 (912) 4211227. I often don’t answer on the first call if I don’t rec­og­nize the num­ber. So just leave me a mes­sage or shoot me a text and I’ll get back to you.

Last­ly, snail mail is still an option — real­ly! You can reach me here:

Erik Reagan
60 Exchange St Ste C3 PMB 289
Rich­mond Hill, Ga 31324 

© 2024 Erik Reagan unless otherwise noted

Some of the links on my site are "affiliate links." This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. It's basically peanuts, but every little bit will help as I work on self-publishing my first book.