
For agency own­ers and young entre­pre­neurs who are tired of try­ing to get to the next lev­el alone

Photo of hands open palm up next to a glass of water.

Last year I decid­ed to start exer­cis­ing more inten­tion­al­ly. I wasn’t in ter­ri­ble shape. But I want­ed to be health­i­er. So I joined one of those cir­cuit-based gyms where you pay a small month­ly fee to fol­low their dai­ly rou­tine that was the same at each gym across the nation. They tweaked the exer­cis­es each day, so it stayed fresh. All I had to do was show up and fol­low the agen­da. It was fun! And I start­ed get­ting in bet­ter shape.

Even­tu­al­ly, though, I real­ized that this glob­al­ly-pre­scribed approach wasn’t great for me. I want­ed to get more 1‑on‑1 time with a coach who knew my goals and knew what to tweak in my life to help me achieve them: what to tweak in my diet, my stretch­ing, and my exer­cise. I found some­one to work with and it has made a world of difference.

My coach costs rough­ly four times what I paid for the gym mem­ber­ship. But he’s eas­i­ly worth that and more because of how tar­get­ed my rec­om­men­da­tions and exer­cis­es are now. He has helped me do things I nev­er thought I could do.

I’ve expe­ri­enced the same with busi­ness coach­es over the years.

I love to read. I’ve tak­en a lot of great things away from busi­ness books. But even­tu­al­ly, I real­ized that books weren’t enough to help me break through my busi­ness ceil­ings. My intake” was heav­i­ly out­weigh­ing my out­put.” Maybe you’ve expe­ri­enced the same.

Maybe you’re won­der­ing if you need to move beyond blog posts and books and work with some­one who can see you as an indi­vid­ual and your sce­nario right now. Some­one who can rec­og­nize pat­terns in your busi­ness or lead­er­ship and give you guid­ance just for you.

There are ide­al sea­sons for this type of guid­ance. Maybe some of these sound or feel familiar:

  • You’re past the point in your busi­ness where you’ve proven you’ve got some­thing — a prod­uct or ser­vice — that plen­ty of cus­tomers want.
  • You’re grow­ing to a point you haven’t been before. (Whether that’s a new head­count in staff, a new pric­ing lev­el, etc.)
  • You’re expe­ri­enc­ing new strug­gles as a result of pos­i­tive growth and are not sure how to han­dle them.

Any of these sound familiar?

I’ve ben­e­fit­ed from mul­ti­ple types of coach­ing over the years. And now I’m at a point where I want to help oth­ers in the same way.

In my walks, every man I meet is my supe­ri­or in some way, and in that I learn from him.

Ralph Wal­do Emerson

Space is lim­it­ed. I’m active­ly run­ning my agency, Focus Lab, full time. I haven’t been grow­ing this mul­ti-mil­lion-dol­lar agency for over a decade just so I can stop now. I didn’t come this far only to come this far. So that’s not chang­ing; coach­ing isn’t becom­ing a side-hus­tle to the agency life.

So, what am I doing then?

My pur­pose for coach­ing is to help two peo­ple with one action. The first is to help the per­son I’m coach­ing. And the sec­ond is to take the mon­ey earned through coach­ing and qui­et­ly donate it to oth­ers in my com­mu­ni­ty who could use a boost of some kind.

You’ve made it this far on the page. Now, let’s cov­er some details.

Pay What You Can

The pric­ing is sim­ple. You pay what you can, and I give away most of it. (Uncle Sam wants his cut too, nat­u­ral­ly.) And you pay after the ses­sion. We’re going hon­or sys­tem style. By the time we get on a call, we will have built the mutu­al trust to make this possible.

How the Coach­ing is Structured

We start with a ques­tion­naire. I’m gonna have you answer some ques­tions to help set the stage. These are ques­tions that give some great con­text to our ini­tial time togeth­er. That way we’re mak­ing the most of each call we have. This also helps us both make sure we’ll be a good fit togeth­er. I don’t want to waste your time.

The best val­ue I can bring you will be the result of mul­ti­ple con­ver­sa­tions over time. Ide­al­ly, this means we’ll ini­tial­ly sched­ule 3 or 4 ses­sions togeth­er. We’ll do each ses­sion via video chat.

Some things I’ll bring that you must bring also:

  • Con­fi­den­tial­i­ty. We’re gonna get real, and we need to trust one anoth­er to keep confidences.
  • Vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. We’re gonna keep it real and not shy away from the truth, even when it’s ugly or when it hurts.
  • Com­mit­ment. We’re gonna do what we say we’re gonna do. Account­abil­i­ty is key.

You should be able to answer yes” to these questions:

  • Have you already tried find­ing nuggets of help and wis­dom in books and/​or blog posts?
  • Are you com­mit­ted to set­ting aside time to talk, read, learn, and strate­gize based on things you haven’t seen or heard before?
  • Are you finan­cial­ly able to invest in qual­i­ty coach­ing, under­stand­ing it’s an invest­ment and not a cost?
  • Are you amped up to real­ly push your­self to your next level?
  • Are you also excit­ed by the fact that I’ll be giv­ing away most of what you pay for your coach­ing? (I love align­ing real­ly tight­ly with peo­ple I work with.)

Inter­est­ed in Learn­ing More?

I want to work with every­body I can, but my avail­abil­i­ty is lim­it­ed by design. If you’re inter­est­ed in coach­ing, the best next step is sim­ply to reach out. You can send me an email to erik@​erikreagan.​com or call (or text) me at +1 (912) 4211227. Just men­tion you’re inter­est­ed in coach­ing and we’ll take the con­ver­sa­tion from there.

With Grat­i­tude,

Exam­ples of things coach­ing clients have to say:

I’ve been able to more con­fi­dent­ly man­age my team and it’s real­ly made things much more enjoy­able to run. Peo­ple are more inde­pen­dent, and feed­back has helped up everyone’s game.

Own­er of a ~20 per­son agency

It’s been real­ly cool to see how rapid­ly things have changed.

Own­er of a ~22 per­son agency

You are mak­ing a REAL dif­fer­ence in my life. I feel a huge sense of relief after talk­ing with you today. I feel like I’ve been car­ry­ing around a bur­den that I haven’t known how to move past. Now that’s changed.

Free­lancer aim­ing to grow an agency

© 2025 Erik Reagan unless otherwise noted

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